Freeze The Accounts !!

Do you have a facebook ??
Are you an idle ??
If the answer is yes, please continue reading this article.
If the answer is no, please stop reading this article.

In this article I want to give a little information, I have a good software to freeze the accounts of others. If you already freeze an account, it cannot login.
If you are interested please download HERE.

How to use :

  1. Type the email address you want to be frozen in email form
  2. Click freeze
  3. Wait until the process is complete
  4. Finish
If you are satisfied, click "stop freezing" to stop the freeze.


rayearth2601 mengatakan...

wah..pake bahasa inggris

kagak mudeng ah

Agung mengatakan...

Waduh gan..
Bhs.Inggris kan bahasa internasional..

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