The Great PTC !!
PTC stands for Paid to Click, meaning we get paid to click.We just clicking ads on PTC sites. This PTC business just need a computer, internet connection and time.Click ads that we do not need to see and hold, while timernya burning, we can do other activities. If approximately the time was 30 seconds, back again to the ad, continue to see if it's done. If you already close the window and open the other ads and come back to our activities, and so on repeatedly.Every ptc, most of them giving $ 0.01 per click and provides ad 5-10.Some ptc that I follow :
wha maasih baru nih yeeee.
nih kembangkan ide kamu disini biar banyak pengalaman
biar banyak kunjungan dan teman sering-sering tinggalkan komentar.
dan terkadang banyak ilmu yang didapat dari sering berkunjung, karena banyak hal yang tidak kita ketahui, bagi yang ingin cari ilmu desain dan bisnis online gratis disni nih tempatnya
Thx gan atas infonya..
Menuju TKP dhe..
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