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Law Traffic in Indonesia 2009

Beware before the raid, consider the recent Act which replaced the 1992 Act, Act No. 22 of 2009. Laws that have been signed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on June 22, 2009, includes among others: 

Have not the SIM 
According to Article 281, if motorists do not have a driver's license (SIM) can be fined at most Rp1.000.000, 00 (one million rupiah). Or at least prison 4 months old. So, always carry your driver's license every time you drive a motorcycle.

Driving No Concentration 
Also made careful biker who likes to call while driving a motorcycle can get the sanctions of article 283, according to this chapter for the Motor Vehicles driving on the road is not reasonable and do other activities or affected by a situation that resulted in disturbances in concentrations in road driving can be punished with maximum jail sentence not exceeding 3 months or a fine of not more Rp750.000, 00 (seven hundred and fifty thousand rupiah).

Motor Fittings 
For two-wheeler drivers in the road who do not meet the technical requirements and road worthy including rear view mirror, horn, headlights, brake lights, headlights navigate, reflective devices, speed gauges, exhaust, and tire groove depth, referring to Article 285 can be fined at most Rp250.000, 00 (two hundred and fifty thousand dollars) or a maximum jail sentence of not longer than 1 month.

Signs and Landmarks 
Do not ignore signs and mark the road, because of Article 287 on the road bike riders who violate the rules or prohibition orders given by the Traffic Signs as may be liable to a maximum jail sentence of not longer than 2 months or a fine of not more Rp500.000, 00 (five hundred thousand rupiah).

Not Bring vehicle registration 
Well, make biker who liked to bring a vehicle registration please alert, because according to Article 288, every two-wheeler drivers in the road that are not equipped with the Certificate of Motor Vehicle Tax, or try to sign a letter of Motor Vehicles established by the Indonesian Police as may be liable to a maximum confinement exceeding 2 months or a fine of not more Rp500.000, 00 (five hundred thousand rupiah).

Create Standard Helm Passenger and Driver 
SNI Always wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle, both driver and passenger motor. Because according to Article 291, for every driver and passenger Motorcycles are not wearing helmets Indonesian national standards (SNI) is liable to a penalty not exceeding one month imprisonment or a fine of not more Rp250.000, 00 (two hundred and fifty thousand rupiah).

Main lamp lit Night or Day 
Always turn on your headlights in the road bike on the day or night. Because according to Article 293, because if you are not the main lights on your bike at night, you can wear is liable to a penalty not exceeding one month imprisonment or a fine of not more Rp250.000, 00 (two hundred and fifty thousand rupiah). If previous LIGH on during the day only recommended, it is required. If it does not turn on headlights during the day is liable to a maximum jail sentence not exceeding 15 days or a fine of not more Rp100.000, 00 (one hundred thousand rupiah).

Turn Left Can Jump? 
If the biker can be directly used to turn left even when the traffic light shows red. Now is not allowed! Because according to Law No. 22 / 2009 Article 112, Driver Vehicle left turn directly prohibited, unless stipulated otherwise by signs or Traffic Signal Equipment Traffic giver. For those who would violate ticket and imposed a fine of 250 thousand rupiah.

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Inspiration's Story !!

There is always a reason to give up, but the success people is the people who do not decide to surrender. He could always find a reason to not give up ...

  1. Matthews NANCY EDISON (1810-1871)
    One day, a 4-year-old boy, a little deaf and dumb in school, went home with a piece of paper from his teacher. her mother read the paper, "Tommy, the child's mother, very stupid. we ask the mother to get her out of school."
    The mother was shocked to read this letter, but he soon made a firm determination, "My son Tommy, not a stupid kid. I will personally educate and teach him."
    Tommy grew to Thomas Alva Edison, one of the greatest inventors in the world. he only went about 3 months, and physically somewhat deaf, but the respite was not a barrier to moving forward.
    Not many people know who Nancy Matthews, but when we heard the name of Edison, we immediately knew that he was the most influential inventors in history. Thomas Alva Edison became an inventor with a 1093 patent on his invention. who was previously thought that the dumb deaf child to "be asked out of school, ultimately could become a genius? the answer is his mother!
    Yes, Nancy Edison, mother of Thomas Alva Edison, did not give up with the opinion of the school for their child. Nancy decided to become a private teacher for Edison's education at home, has made her son into people who believe that he means. Nancy Edison to restore confidence, and it may be very hard for him. but he did not even allow limitations make it stop.
  2. JOANNE Kathleen Rowling
    Since childhood, Rowling already has a penchant for writing. even at the age of 6 years, he had concocted a story called Rabbit. He also has a penchant for shameless "shows his work to friends" and his parents. This habit he maintained until adulthood. high imagination, which was also floated his name in the world.
    However, in real life, like never stop Rowling suffered a problem. Poor condition, which even made it into the category of parties who are entitled to compensation from the government's poor English, it was he experienced when Rowling wrote Harry Potter series first. Plus the divorce she experienced, hard-paced conditions were even more spurred him to immediately write and complete the story of the little wizard named Harry Potter that his idea can be when he was in a train. In 1995, with difficulty, because it did not have the money to memfotocopy manuscript, Rowling had to copy the script to retype it using a manual typewriter.
    Scripts are finally finished with the hard struggle was not immediately accepted, and then exploded on the market. Various rejection of the publisher must he first experienced. Among them, is that he originally sent the manuscript to use his real name, Joanne Rowling. Disparaging view of women writers who are still strong imprison publishers and the books put him cope with the obscure name to JK Rowling. Wearing two consonants with the same hope that he will succeed with favorite children's story writer CS Lewis.
    Finally, success came. Harry Potter extraordinary explodes on. All that of course is the result of tenacious attitude and hard work are extraordinary. no paid kesuksedan cheaply.
  3. Steve Jobs
    In 1976, along with his partner Steve Wozniak, Jobs's new 21-year-old start-founded Apple Computer Co.. in the garage owned by his family. With great difficulty raising capital obtained by selling their goods the most valuable, the effort began. Their first computer, Apple sold 1 of their work as much as 50 units to a local store. In recent years, their business flourished enough so that in 1983, John Sculley Jobs hook from Pepsi Cola to lead the company. So far, Apple Computer reap success and growing influence plugged in the computer industry especially with the launch of the Macintosh. However, in 1985, after a conflict with Sculley, the company decided to dismiss their founder, Steve Jobs himself is.
    After selling its shares, Jobs undergoing tremendous sadness spend more time with cycling, and travel to Europe. However, not long after that, the dismissal was apparently just brought a new spirit for him. He also started a new business is a computer company, NeXT and Pixar animation company. NeXT is actually very advanced in terms of the technology did not bring good results commercially. However, Pixar is a another success story thanks to the cold hands. Through Pixar, Jobs brought a new trend in the world of animated film along with the release of the film production and the next Toy Story Finding Nemo and The Incredibles.
    After the Jobs and the strong dominance of IBM and Microsoft made Apple unable to compete and nearly sank. So, in 1997, Jobs was summoned back to fill the temporary leadership positions. With teknoligi designed to apply at NeXT, this time Apple back up with a variety of technologically advanced products like MacOS X, IMac and a phenomenal one is the iPod.
    Steve Jobs success story teaches us that there is no instant success. rejection and failure are often colored our life journey, but do not let all that makes us stop.

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Freeze The Accounts !!

Do you have a facebook ??
Are you an idle ??
If the answer is yes, please continue reading this article.
If the answer is no, please stop reading this article.

In this article I want to give a little information, I have a good software to freeze the accounts of others. If you already freeze an account, it cannot login.
If you are interested please download HERE.

How to use :

  1. Type the email address you want to be frozen in email form
  2. Click freeze
  3. Wait until the process is complete
  4. Finish
If you are satisfied, click "stop freezing" to stop the freeze.

No Mosquitoes ?? Yeah..

Are you offended when you use a computer because of mosquitoes?
If yes, then I will give a software to prevent or rid of mosquitoes. trust and prove it.

This software works with 16000hz - 20000hz. Which makes mosquitoes will stay away from the sound source. sound source is your computer, because the software is stored in your computer.

If you are interested, you can download it in HERE.

About This Blog

I have aspirations to direct people to a more appropriate way and correct therefore I made this blog. although I know, that doing so is very difficult. but I'll try it.
I created this blog to tell all people, to do or act anything to worry about more than once. in order to get the desired results and do not harm yourself or anyone around.
Therefore, THINK TWICE.

Agung Kharisma
--- signed the blog owner ---

Think Twice about Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol is often called ethanol or grain alcohol. This is because ethanol is used as raw material in the drink, rather than methanol, or other. Drinking excess alcohol remains the potential for a myriad of deadly diseases.

Due to drinking alcoholic beverages :
  • Bleeding in the throat
  • Swelling of blood vessels in the larynx
  • Inflamed pancreas
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Sterile.
  • Senile
  • Stroke
  • And others, which can sometimes lead to death.
Would you still drink?

Think Twice about Smoking

Every time inhaling cigarette smoke, whether intentionally or not, is also smoked more than 4000 kinds of toxins! Therefore, smoking the same as the toxins enter this into the mouth cavity and lungs of course. Smoking damage the health, the fact is we can not deny. Many diseases have proven to be bad consequences of smoking, either directly or indirectly. Smoking not only harm the smoker, but also for those around him. Research also shows the danger of secondhand-smoke, the smoke inhaled by people for non-smokers around smokers, or commonly referred to as passive smokers.The following hazardous substances contained in cigarettes :
-> Nicotine
Substances most frequently discussed and researched people, the nerve poison the body, increase blood pressure, cause constriction of peripheral blood vessels, and cause addiction and dependence on the wearer.
-> Lead (Pb)
Of lead produced by a cigarette as much as 0.5 ug.
-> Carbon monoxide (CO)
Carbon monoxide has a strong tendency to bind with hemoglobin in blood cells red. Supposedly, this hemoglobin binds oxygen vital to respiration of body cells, but because the CO is more powerful than oxygen, the CO is captured place "in the" hemoglobin. Be, hemoglobin linked with CO gas. CO gas levels in the blood of nonsmokers is less than 1 percent, while in the blood of smokers reached 4 to 15 percent.
-> Tar
Tar is a collection of thousands of chemicals in the solid component of cigarette smoke, and are carcinogens. At the time of cigarettes smoked, the tar into the mouth cavity as a solid vapor. After a cold, will become solid and form a brown sludge on the surface of the teeth, respiratory tract, and lungs. This precipitation varies between 3-40 mg per cigarette, while the levels of tar in cigarettes ranged from 24 to 45 mg.
-> and more

Effects of smoking are as follows :

* Heart disease and stroke.
One of the three deaths in the world associated with heart disease and stroke. Both diseases can cause sudden death.
* Lung cancer.
One out of ten smokers would suffer from lung cancer. In some cases can be fatal and cause death.
* Mouth cancer.
Smoking can cause mouth cancer, tooth decay and gum disease.
* Osteoporosis.
Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke can reduce blood oxygen transport capacity by 15% smokers, resulting in bone fragility that is more easily broken and it took 80% longer to cure.
* Cataracts.
Smoking can cause interference with the eye. Smokers have a risk of 50% higher hit cataracts, can even cause blindness.
* Psoriasis.
Smokers are 2-3 times more often affected by psoriasis the inflammatory process is not contagious skin itch, and leave red streaks on the entire body.
* Hair loss.
Smoking lowered immune system, the body more susceptible to disease such as lupus causes hair loss, ulceration of the mouth, redness in the face, scalp and hands.
* The impact of smoking in pregnancy.
Smoking during pregnancy causes fetal growth slow. The risk of miscarriage in women smokers 2-3 times more frequently because of the carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke can reduce oxygen levels.
* Impotence.
Smoking can cause decreased sexual because blood flow to the penis decreases, so does not happen erection.

Would you still smoke?


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