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Beware before the raid, consider the recent Act which replaced the 1992 Act, Act No. 22 of 2009. Laws that have been signed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on June 22, 2009, includes among others:
Have not the SIM
According to Article 281, if motorists do not have a driver's license (SIM) can be fined at most Rp1.000.000, 00 (one million rupiah). Or at least prison 4 months old. So, always carry your driver's license every time you drive a motorcycle.
Driving No Concentration
Also made careful biker who likes to call while driving a motorcycle can get the sanctions of article 283, according to this chapter for the Motor Vehicles driving on the road is not reasonable and do other activities or affected by a situation that resulted in disturbances in concentrations in road driving can be punished with maximum jail sentence not exceeding 3 months or a fine of not more Rp750.000, 00 (seven hundred and fifty thousand rupiah).
Motor Fittings
For two-wheeler drivers in the road who do not meet the technical requirements and road worthy including rear view mirror, horn, headlights, brake lights, headlights navigate, reflective devices, speed gauges, exhaust, and tire groove depth, referring to Article 285 can be fined at most Rp250.000, 00 (two hundred and fifty thousand dollars) or a maximum jail sentence of not longer than 1 month.
Signs and Landmarks
Do not ignore signs and mark the road, because of Article 287 on the road bike riders who violate the rules or prohibition orders given by the Traffic Signs as may be liable to a maximum jail sentence of not longer than 2 months or a fine of not more Rp500.000, 00 (five hundred thousand rupiah).
Not Bring vehicle registration
Well, make biker who liked to bring a vehicle registration please alert, because according to Article 288, every two-wheeler drivers in the road that are not equipped with the Certificate of Motor Vehicle Tax, or try to sign a letter of Motor Vehicles established by the Indonesian Police as may be liable to a maximum confinement exceeding 2 months or a fine of not more Rp500.000, 00 (five hundred thousand rupiah).
Create Standard Helm Passenger and Driver
SNI Always wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle, both driver and passenger motor. Because according to Article 291, for every driver and passenger Motorcycles are not wearing helmets Indonesian national standards (SNI) is liable to a penalty not exceeding one month imprisonment or a fine of not more Rp250.000, 00 (two hundred and fifty thousand rupiah).
Main lamp lit Night or Day
Always turn on your headlights in the road bike on the day or night. Because according to Article 293, because if you are not the main lights on your bike at night, you can wear is liable to a penalty not exceeding one month imprisonment or a fine of not more Rp250.000, 00 (two hundred and fifty thousand rupiah). If previous LIGH on during the day only recommended, it is required. If it does not turn on headlights during the day is liable to a maximum jail sentence not exceeding 15 days or a fine of not more Rp100.000, 00 (one hundred thousand rupiah).
Turn Left Can Jump?
If the biker can be directly used to turn left even when the traffic light shows red. Now is not allowed! Because according to Law No. 22 / 2009 Article 112, Driver Vehicle left turn directly prohibited, unless stipulated otherwise by signs or Traffic Signal Equipment Traffic giver. For those who would violate ticket and imposed a fine of 250 thousand rupiah.
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